Be Uniquely You

"At Joppa there was a certain disciple named...Dorcas.  This woman was full of good works, and charitable deeds which she did...And all the widows stood by him weeping, showing the tunics and garments which Dorcas had made while she was with them." -Acts 9:36,39


                                                JOPPA ISRAEL

I love this story in the Bible about this women named Dorcas.  She greatly impacted and touched the world around her by being who GOD called her to be.  Very practical and "hands-on."

I love being inspired by others and I think talking things over with those we admire can be so helpful.  But I have noticed that often times the people that have the most impact don't do things the normal way or what is "expected" of them.

For example:

Some of us are designed to go to college to fulfill our God given calling.  

Others of us are designed NOT to go to college to fulfill our God given calling.

But the important thing is that we actually go to the one who CREATED US for the final decision in what we do on a day to day basis, for our small and big life plans. 

Because I have noticed that the best stories usually don't look identical to the next person.

Walking PERSONALLY with God is a blast and keeps life fun and interesting! Like Dorcas, I want to be a "disciple" of Jesus.  Because as she talked with Him and walked with Him, she got a unique mindset and beautiful ideas came into her head. Then she did what was on her heart and actually made grown people cry because of the way her life touched people in a very practical way.

So today lets be uniquely who GOD has called us to be and go with it in confidence!